Donic Desto F2 Rubber


The Donic Desto F2 is for the player who in the past has used the traditional spin elasticated rubber, but is searching for more fun, but without the use of speed glue.

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The Donic Desto F2 is for the player who in the past has used the traditional spin elasticated rubber, but is searching for more fun, but without the use of speed glue. Players who find the Donic Desto F3 a little too slow, but find the Donic Desto F1 just a little too fast will discover that the Donic Desto F2 will give that extra edge to all aspects of their game that they have been searching for. If you want the feel of speed glue but still maintain good control, the Donic Desto F2 will be ideal.

User Review

“Of all the rubbers I’ve tried that claim to feel glued without glue, this is one of the very few that truly does have a click. It starts off mid-soft, but quickly becomes very soft. It’s a good rubber for topspinning, but is poor in the short game…serve, push, etc. I gave it an 8.5 because it isn’t tacky and it’s not very spinny in the serves and pushes. But in terms of topspin it’s very spinny. That’s why it’s always tough to reduce these measurements to a single number.”

— cole_ely from Table Tennis Database

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Black, Red